How to wear cufflinks?

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How to wear cufflinks?
Find out how to wear the buttons, what kinds of buttons exist, and when it is appropriate to wear each one, or those who want to make a gift to choose a pair of matching cufflinks as a gift.  Cufflinks are the extension of a sophisticated personality and a refined character and represent accessory dedicated to the gentlemen, but not only, have pieces of clothing that told their story. Do you know how to wear them?

Men wear the costume to make a statement of elegance and style. This image can be complimented with a pair of tasteful cufflinks. Cufflinks are the equivalent of men’ jewels and can be made of different materials and in different shapes. Each shape and tone accentuates a different part of male clothing.

The main purpose of the cufflinks is to close the cuffs of a shirt and to add a personality or elegance to a dress. They can be worn with any type of shirt or those with a French double cuff, the type of shirts reserved for special occasions, to the casual smart shirt that you wear in your office.

Moreover, cufflinks are a style accessory, the equivalent of men’ jewels. Assorted with a matching costume, they create a memorable impression. The only acceptable accessories for a gentleman in the costume are the watch, the tie needle, the handkerchief and of course, the cufflinks.

Cufflinks are versatile, because they come in different sizes and are made of various materials in countless patterns. Shirt cufflinks are reserved for special events, occasions, or business meetings, but can also be worn at the office every day. When the occasion demands a formal fit, the cufflinks are an excellent choice.

Personal occasions can be a formal party, a social event, or an important family event.

Professionally, cufflinks are not used at business meetings, important sessions, or conferences and presentations.

The tie or the bow tie is essential to your wardrobe, and if you match them with the cufflinks you will have a very beautiful aesthetic result. Cufflinks are often associated with formal clothing, a pretentious costume, smoking or frac. They emphasize the way out, but you have to be very careful how you match them and how you wear them.

If you still have other accessories, the cufflinks must match with them. If you decide on a simple variant, they must be matched with the costume. Although sometimes exceptions may be made, general recommendations are that they should always be silver or gold. With a little taste, you can match the cufflinks of others and garments, like a sweater or elegant cardigan. Such an association requires a little courage and an eye formed for the color, but it certainly makes a beautiful impression!

Cufflinks selected for this outfit can come out of the classic, sober pattern and can take on interesting and original shapes. Their role will turn into a conversation starter, because you will receive countless compliments based on your original style.

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