An Apple A Day, Breakfast Every Day And Other Great Health Habits Can Keep Type 2 Diabetes Away

An Apple A Day, Breakfast Every Day And Other Great Health Habits Can Keep Type 2 Diabetes Away
Diabetes is a disease, and as such many people feel that it is unavoidable. They believe that it is simply hereditary and if you are going to get it, there is not much you can do about it. Luckily, this is very incorrect thinking. While there is a hereditary component to diabetes, there is also a lot you can do to avoid developing diabetes. Read on to learn developing good lifestyle and dietary habits can help you avoid type 2 diabetes.

The flavonoids found in fresh vegetables and fruits such as apples, pears and berries can help reduce your risk of diabetes. Additionally, these flavonoids make you quite a bit safer from cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease. Therefore, it is easy to see that adding the recommended five servings of fresh fruits and veggies to your daily diet is a very smart thing to do when it comes to avoiding diabetes and maintaining overall good health. Just remember to reach for fresh fruits and veggies at snack time instead of prepared snacks, and add fresh produce to every meal.

Among berries, blueberries have been proven to be especially effective in helping prevent diabetes. A study conducted by the US National Institute of Health followed the dietary habits of 200,000 participants for more than two decades. These participants all started the study free of diabetes. They kept close track of their dietary habits throughout the study. At the close of the study, it was found that participants who enjoyed blueberries regularly were almost 25% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This was also true of those who consumed half a dozen apples weekly.

Another consistent indicator of the development of type 2 diabetes has been identified by a study conducted by the National Weight Control Registry. In this study, it was found that people who eat breakfast every day not only significantly reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but also enjoy more even moods, better weight control and improved overall good health. In fact, 21% of study participants who did not eat breakfast developed type 2 diabetes. Researchers speculated that people who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat during the morning and/or at lunch time. This results in better control of insulin and blood sugar levels.

Staying physically fit is another very important way to avoid developing type 2 diabetes. Participating in fifteen or twenty minutes of light to moderate exercise every day can make all the difference in the world in maintaining even blood sugar levels and a healthy weight.

Generally speaking, maintaining good health habits is an excellent way to avoid developing type 2 diabetes. Even if diabetes runs in your family, if you will make healthy dietary choices, avoid overeating, exercise regularly and keep your weight under control, you can significantly lower your chances of developing diabetes. Even if you already have diabetes, you can control or sometimes eliminate it with smart, healthy lifestyle choices. Refer to the information presented here to stay safe from type 2 diabetes.

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