A beautiful love story marked the lives of two celebrities of the twentieth century, Aristotle Onassis and Maria Callas. The one who would become an unmistakable soprano was born on December 2, 1923, in New York, from other sources on April 23, being the daughter of some Greek immigrants. Her real name was Cecilia Sophia Annamaria Kalogeropoulos. In 1929, his father changed his name from Gheorghion Kalogeropoulos to Geoges Callas, after which he opened a pharmacy in the Manhattan neighborhood …
Category: Rumors
Display-ul Nokia, care se regaseste pe ultimele modele de smartphone-uri, pare a fi unul dintre cele mai interesante display-uri pe care aceasta companie le-a produs de-a lungul vremii. Un astfel de display Nokia, precum cel ClearBlack, …
Did “American Idol” almost replace judge Mariah Carey with Jennifer Lopez in the middle of Season 12? According to new rumors from the show, this was a possibility. Shows like “Idol” need their ratings. And if …
Competitiile sportive atrag din ce in ce mai mult pe oameni. Acestia aleg fie sa ramana la stadiul de amatori sau prefera sa faca parte activ din aceste jocuri. Si printre solutiile existente se numara si …