Unexplained disappearances occurred over time in Romania

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, argue that an object that we see in front can exist simultaneously in another universe, so, the time travel can become reality. It all started from an experiment made with thin metal wire, thick as a hair .

The metal was placed under a dome where vibrations were eliminated after previously cooled the metal. It was found that metal piece moved and remain still at the same time. This seems contradictory and incomprehensible. However, electrons revolve around an atom at different speeds at the same time. To catch an electron must force it to have some specific position. Physicist Andrew Cleland had the bright idea to apply this principle to a visible object.

What does this mean?  

Assume that you visit your aunt to Bucharest. But in another parallel universe where atomic particles can not maintain, you’ll be watching a movie. Multiverse theory says that the entire universe freezes while observing and we can only see one reality.

According to mathematician Michio Kaku , a person that enters a wormhole tunnel that connects the two places when time travel is made, it closes suddenly, the person remaining stuck there forever. For that person the time freezes. If the person could be removed from the tunnel, would be as young as when the time it entered the tunnel.

In the State Archives of Romania is a document called Report – Department Zero, addressed the President of Romania on the gallery link in the cave Stanul Foncii, Mountains Padurea Craiului, Rosia village, Bihor County. The report says that in July 5, 1989, a group of tourists who were in the cave disappeared after touching an object that made them disappear.

Another mysterious disappearance happened in 1980, at Buzau Turn, Bozioru commune, village Nucu, when two brothers were training climbing a rock . At one point one of them grabbed a chain that made him disappear. The boy’s father was called, mountain climber too, and he has climbed the rock and touched the piece of chain. He disappeared in the eyes of many locals who watched the scene.

Security was alarmed and in few days detonated the rock. For a few days remained a bluish haze over the place where the rock was.

Writer Emil Strainu is talking to one of his books about the visit he made at the University of Bonn, Germany, when he received the visit of a former officer of Werhmacht.

That visitor was of Romanian origin, born in Reghin and he was called Willy Otto. It gave him some documents which showed that at the end of September 1944, the Germans withdrew from Romania, going to Hungary. A group of soldiers disappeared when tried to cross the Carpathians. Despite searches that took place in the area, found no traces or evidence that there would have occured an accident.

From May 1993 to 1997 in the Busteni area, Azuga, Sinaia have been a series of earthquakes that occured at fixed times. These earthquakes were preceded by some creepy noises that came from inside the mountain. Earthquakes occured at 20 and 3 o’clock in the morning. Strange is that these earthquakes occured in small areas, sometimes only affecting a district of these towns. These earthquakes suddenly disappeared in 1997. Is strange that around the Caraiman cross can often see halos and strange holograms. And this time, as in the case of earthquakes, experts could not give scientific explanations.

Moreover, when it was decided to raise the cross on the Caraiman, the workers that were working on the raising of the cross found on the top of the mountain a platform already built as a landing strip, on which they placed the cross. Locals also talk about the lights on top of the mountain which can be seen at night.

Experts say there are extremely powerful energy areas. Climbers talk about the fact that despite the efforts that they do to climb these mountains they do not feel fatigue. In the Bucegi area unusual things happen, that we, common peolpe have access too. In Bucegi there are seven sources. The spectacular fact is that the water does not contain bacteria.

Heaven Mouth from Bucegi Mountains is a meadow with the surface of a square kilometer. It is situated near the area called Goat Fangs. Here crashed a helicopter with a team of researchers from Israel, who came to study phenomena that occur. This area has been described by scientists as geomagnetic anomalies. Locals are long-lived.

Heaven Mouth from Bucegi Mountains is a meadow with the surface of a square kilometer. It is situated near the area called Goat Fangs. Here crashed a helicopter with a team of researchers from Israel, who came to study phenomena that occur. This area has been described by scientists as geomagnetic anomalies. Locals are long-living.

The hologram of a regular pyramid occuring only in Bucegi and Ceahlau, could not be explained by scientists nowhere in the world . Researchers exclude the reflection or refraction, lacking of such sources. The hologram appears on Nov. 28, considered the Sphinx day. Most times it appears on Caraiman, being projected right on the cross.



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